Dhina Lieva · Apr 2, 2011
During the late afternoon work, we landed into talking my former officemate’s new car, I was amazed that at a very young age, she was able to invest this asset. I am imagining that before, that I will also be aquiring one, someday, but when will that someday be?
At the age of 28, I never invested such expensive asset like that, but I think what I invested most are the things I considered more expensive than a car, it is being able to help my family, be the breadwinner, share with them my stipend, being able to help educate my brothers. These are the most costless investment I have.
When my officemate told me that there really are people born with gold in their lips, meaning, born with a wealthy life, and exclude me from that, my heart was pinched. Since I was born, I lived in a wooden-built-home lasted for 27 years, it was only last year that I was able to rebuild it, yet unfinish. At first thought, I envied my former officemate, that all the salary she receives is all hers, the bank is the only sharer, even reaching her goal, specific amount of money that should be in her account at year end. I admire her for that, I envied her at first, but then I realized, I shouldn’t, I was raised by my family full of love and sacrifice that’s worth treasuring and envying. I live full of sacrifice and endured being financially unstable during my elementary, high school and college days. From selling bukayo, banana que and bibingka during my elementary days, keeping the five peso allowance and harvesting baging in the forest in Anastacia to Bungoy Quezon during high school to selling palitaw, buchi, yema or masapan during college days, until rendering my tutorial services to five elementaty and high school students of Canossa College SPC - these were the things I considered my gold, my wealth, worth relishing and sharing, these are my inspirations. I wonder how my story be published in MMK! And of course I will never be able to cope with these things without my family beside me, my costless wealth.
It is more fulfilling when you are able to reach your dreams and reap what you sow from the sweat and sacrifices you shed. I am able to withstand and be adamant to face all the tests of life. I am not rich financially, but I am rich with experience, rich with love and rich with someone around me.
My sacrifices isn’t over yet, I know and I can feel that I still have so many things to reach before it becomes over. Sparks at the end of my life isn’t visible yet, vague still, and to be able to make it clear, I must strive harder, thrive more and keep my faith that those sparks will be in my hand soon :-) .
I am the master of myself, I am the one who draw the dots and lines connecting to the big picture of my life, I am the one responsible to make all things possible. Tears shedding is over, as I always cried during my high school and college recollection days, FAMILY was and is the only word I had and have in my mind.
I wanted to etch and transcribe my whole life story here :-) and share to everyone the fruit of being able to help my destitute family, being able to reach your dreams and never stop achieving whatever positive dreams you have in mind. As I always write and say, dream your dreams then do your best, never stop and never rest, until those dreams are yours.
Hope you feel something in your heart as you read my short story